Vietnam Visa On Arrival: The new way to apply for Vietnam Visa from The Vietnam immigration department

Vietnam Visa On Arrival: The new way to apply for Vietnam Visa from The Vietnam immigration department From 16th June 2014, The Vietnam immigration department released the electronic visa form (online visa application) for visitors to apply for Vietnam Visa.  E-visa is also known as the electronic visa or online visa. It is a legal license to allow foreigners to enter the gate and domestic tourism.

Getting Visa at Vietnam Embassy vs getting Visa On Arrival. Which one to choose?

Getting Visa at Vietnam Embassy vs getting Visa On Arrival. Which one to choose?

In order to enter Vietnam, there are two seperate ways for travellers to acquire Visa: Get visa at Vietnam Embassy or get Visa On Arrival. The question is: which way is easier and more convenient?

Some Troubles Can Occur To Your Visa Approval Letter

Some Troubles Can Occur To Your Visa Approval Letter

Thanks to Vietam Visa On Arrival, travellers can now stay at home connecting to Internet and apply for Vietnam Visa, even Rush Visa. They no longer need to waste hours and hours lining up at Vietnam Embassy to fulfill unnessary application documents. However everything has two sides of effect. There are troubles may encounter that you sometimes have to deal with in terms of Visa Approval Letter.

Vietnam entry and exit form - application for a Vietnamese visa (N1)

Vietnam entry and exit form - application for a Vietnamese visa (N1)

In addition to visa application, Vietnam entry and exit form is also required of all foreign passengers arriving in Vietnam by air, be handed out to you when you arrive.

How long can Foreign Tourists stay in Vietnam?

Vietnam immigration law regulates that all foreign people who are not in the visa exemption list need to have Vietnam visa in order to make a trip to Vietnam for any purpose. For each time of getting visa, how long can foreign travelers stay in Vietnam?